Sunday, December 7, 2014

issues paper reflection

Brady Terry
Professor Debra Reece
English 2010
December 7, 2014
Final Draft reflection
            There has been a lot that has gone in to this paper.  After a proposal several reflections and many revisions to my draft, I feel like I have a decent paper that conveys the message I want my readers to hear.  I worked with my workshop group in lots of the revising.  They had some great input and really helped me to polish up my paper.  As the paper developed I continued researching and studying deeper into the subject and I also pulled from many personal experiences. 
            I learned that it is very important to use rhetoric when creating an argument.  If you write a great paper but don’t gear or present it to the correct audience, then it is to no avail.  You have to be conscious of the topic and issue at hand and be able to present the information in an understandable way to those who will be your directed audience.  This in turn allows the argument to develop properly and when paired with valid and meaningful evidence it lets readers know that you are a reliable source on the subject, and someone they can look to for answers to questions.

            The things that came naturally mostly came because of the subject.  Because it was something that I am interested in and concerned with I was able to focus and enjoy what I was writing about.  It made the writing process easier and more naturally as well.  I felt like one of the things that I learned most about and will help me most in writing papers in the future is peer revision over just simply editing.  Revision will be helpful because it will strengthen the argument of my paper by bringing other viewpoints to light and making sure that there are few to no gaps between points and paragraphs in the paper.  I learned a lot throughout the semester and will use many of my newly acquired skills in future classes.

Issues paper final draft

Brady Terry
Professor Debra Reece
English 2010          
November 14, 2014
Are the Worlds Environments at Risk?
            Biodiversity is the sum total of different species in a geographical location.  The interaction between these species is crucial for an environment to thrive.  Some say that due to un-natural causes the number of different species around the world as well as the number of individuals of certain species is declining.  As result of this decline, the interactions between species have also declined, thus harming the environments around the world.  Is there anything being done to stop this decline and protect the remaining biodiversity?  If so, is it enough to make a difference?  Many organizations have attempted to protect and restore this precious commodity we all share.  Research has shown that many instances where attempts have been made have had very diverse outcomes.  We can look at history to help us determine the most effective ways to achieve the goal of preserving biodiversity for years to come.
            A study was conducted on the topic of biodiversity in 2006, and was written about by Tom Arrandale.  The study was conducted because beekeepers were noticing a significant decline in the number of bees returning to a seemingly healthy hives.  As the study went on, some of the culprits found and deemed responsible for this rapid decline in bee numbers were; pesticides, contaminated water, decreases in pollen and furthermore, overcrowding due to the introduction of more aggressive bee species. (Arrandale)
            In an article written by Jennifer Weeks there was a great deal to be said about these non-native, or ‘invasive’ species.  An invasive species is any species that did not originate in the area where it is now found. (Weeks)  These species compete with native species for food, shelter, and living space, along with many other factors.  As with any competition, he who is strongest will prevail.  In the case of the honey bees, it was another bee species that was overtaking the population of native honey bees. (Arrandale)  However, many times the species aren’t quite as similar.  Many of the White Bark Pine trees that cover the mountains of the Western United States are dying at an alarming rate.   The cause of their death is not another tree species; rather it is a small bark eating beetle.  These small beetles feed on the bark of the trees.  They then use the trees as a host where they lay their eggs.   Doing this ensures that the young beetles will have a safe place to grow and have plenty to eat as they grow.  When the young beetles reach maturity they seek mates and new places to live.  They do this by flying to another tree and the cycle continues. These are two of the many examples of an invasive species being a significant factor in the decline of biodiversity around the world.
            From these examples we can see that invasive species can be very destructive to an environment.  The Africanized bees that are overtaking the honey bees are constantly being sought out so that they can be destroyed from their non-native home in order to give place for the native bee species to once again take hold and flourish.  However, these bees are very resilient and are very difficult to get rid of.    At one point in time, the bark beetles that are destroying the pine forests of the Western United States were controlled by the use of a pesticide called DDT.  However, this pesticide has been deemed harmful to the environment and the use of it has been discontinued.  This evidence proves that once an invasive species has been introduced into an area, it can be very difficult to entirely remove it and return the environment to its natural order.
            Pesticides like DDT can be very destructive on an environment if not controlled.  There are however, many implications for them which can help other species thrive.  Fishing was a big part of my growing up years and I still enjoy it very much.  Fishing is something that I do to relax and enjoy the outdoors.  This used to be a very popular past time around the state of Utah. However, during the past couple of decades it seems that there has been a great decline in the number of people who take part in this leisurely activity.  One thing I have noticed is that there are many mosquitos and other bugs around the lake, more so than in the past.  I find that when these swarms of bugs come invade my fishing domain it is less enjoyable and I usually don’t stay as long, even if the fishing is good.  However, over the past several years the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources has taken action to control the number of lake bound bugs by spraying them at the time of their hatching.  The result is a more enjoyable fishing experience.  The Utah DWR is now hoping that more people will start fishing more as result of their spraying the bugs.  In an article published in October of 2014 they talk about the problems that have arisen due to the lack of people fishing as well as proposed changes to ensure that the fisheries will be healthy for years to come.  Lakes have a carrying capacity, which means that there are only a certain number of organisms that can live in that area.  Due to the lack of people fishing and keeping the fish that they catch the fish are over-populating certain bodies of water and there numbers are outgrowing their carrying capacities.  With increased fishing, these numbers can be reduced to a healthy level once again.  This will also ensure larger, more desirable fish for the anglers to catch. (DWR)  This use of pesticide is an example of one of its benefits to an environment.
            Wildlife and forests are not the only areas affected by the loss of biodiversity.   In the world of agriculture there has also been a significant loss in biodiversity for several reasons.  Some of these reasons are; as people we desire the better looking crops that yield the most abundant harvest, some crops are easier to grow than others, and even the fact that people in general have lost the knowledge of how to farm because of the convenience of getting what is needed at the grocery store.  For these and many other reasons we have genetically engineered many plant species to our liking and in doing so we have lost many of the previously existing plant species. 
            In another article written by Jennifer weeks titled, USDA Seeks New Farmers, she addresses the issue of the lack of new and young people with knowledge of how to farm.  One thing that she does address in her article is that there are many local farmers sharing their produce locally through farmers markets.(Weeks)  This is beneficial because it supports the local economy and allows the farmers to grow crops desired by those in that area. This in turn aids in the increase in biodiversity in those areas. 
Another article published by the Wildlife Conservation Society talks about a great success story that came through conservation efforts.  There is a rare species of deer found in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan.   The deer populations were very low, and some thought the species had gone extinct.  However, the society knew that the population was small but still existent so they created a conservation project to protect the remaining animals.  As result of this protection and by means of recent studies, there is still a small population living in these mountains.  Even though it is small, it is healthy and consists of adult males and females as well as young deer. (Sautner)
            As an avid outdoorsman I have been able to participate in many projects to improve wildlife habitat and aid in the comeback of habitats after disasters such as fires.  The Utah Division of Wildlife Services allows citizens of the state of Utah to participate in what is called the Dedicated Hunter Program.  This program allows people to receive permits to hunt deer in exchange for service hours or money.  Every year hundreds of Utahan’s participate in this program, providing hundreds of man hours of service as well as hundreds of dollars towards the preservation and protection of the environments and wildlife they all enjoy.  In return the hunters receive permits to hunt and manage the deer herds throughout the state.  There have been many great outcomes from this program, and not all of them deal directly with the deer herds alone.  One project I was able to participate in was to remove a fence that ran through a section of wetland in central Utah.  I, along with several others, spent a full day removing this fence.  Subsequently, the watershed level was raised allowing more area for the wetlands.  Now as I drive past this area I frequently see waterfowl and other wetland animals thriving in an area where they once struggled.  It makes me feel great to know that I played a part in helping preserve and protect something I love and can now share with family and friends.  Another act of preservation on a much larger scale is that taken by waterfowl hunters.  Every year hundreds of thousands of people purchase state and federal waterfowl stamps.  These stamps enable hunters to harvest waterfowl and in turn, the proceeds from the purchases of these stamps go directly to the preservation and creation of wetland habitat.  As result of this act, the populations of many species of waterfowl have been greatly aided.   One very good example is that of the Canadian goose.  In the late 1960’s these geese were put on the endangered species list.  However, with the aid of funds which were largely collected from the selling of waterfowl stamps to hunters, their numbers now range in the millions.
            After looking at the issue surrounding the loss of biodiversity and conservation efforts which are used to help maintain existing biodiversity, and restore lost biodiversity where possible, I have noticed several things.  The first that I have noticed is that there have been many things which have happened that directly affected the biodiversity of many different environments.  Thankfully, these things haven’t gone completely un-noticed.  Many groups are putting forth a conscious effort toward the protection and conservation of many species of plants and animals, thus attempting to ensure that we will be able to enjoy the environments around us for many years to come.  Sadly, many times these efforts are hindered by other factors, making it difficult for one single effort dealing with protection and preservation of biodiversity to have a significant effect.  Sometimes it may even take years to decades before preservation or conservation projects can be initiated.  Some of the fastest working and most effective ways of preservation come through hunting groups and other natural resource groups.  If we are all willing to do our part as conservationists, outdoor enthusiasts, biologists, and any others of us who play a role in protecting the environments around us, then we will be able to share and enjoy the beauties of nature in the years to come.

Works Cited
Weeks, Jennifer. "Native Species Suffer When Invasives Thrive." CQ Researcher 17 Feb. 2012. Print. 
Weeks, Jennifer. "USDA Seeks New Farmers." CQ Researcher 10 Aug. 2012. Print.   
"Encouraging Anglers to Keep Fish." Salt Lake Tribune 2 Oct. 2014. Print.  
Sautner, Stephen, and John Delaney. "Strange, Fanged Deer Persists in Afghanistan."Wildlife Conservation Society. 13 Oct. 2014. Web. 8 Nov. 2014. <>.  
"Mystery of the Vanishing Pollinators." CQ Researcher 13 Jan. 2007. Print.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

peer review response

Brady Terry
Professor Debra Reece
English 2010
December 2, 2014
Peer Review Response and Reflection
                After listening to the responses and feedback from my peers some of the things that I will do to revise my Issues Paper will be to solidify my conclusion, and use information from other sources or personal experiences to tie the main points of my paper to my conclusion.  Another thing that I need to do is double check my facts to make sure that they are in line with actual evidence and truth and not just someone’s opinion.

                I think that this will really help me to better present the information that I would like to as well as help me to show better how I feel and what I would do to change or help what is being done.  I think that doing this will help me to have a lot stronger paper with more power and meaning.

semester reflection

Brady Terry
Professor Debra Reece
English 2010
December 6, 2014
Semester Reflection
            During the course of the semester I have learned quite a few things that will help me in the future with classes I will have to take.  First of all my writing process has changed a little over the semester.   I have learned how to incorporate many things such as rhetoric, ethos, pathos, and logos into my writing to make better and more persuasive arguments.  I have also been able to use rhetoric to help me determine the validity of an article and the effectiveness of the author in their writing.  Another thing that I have learned was on revising versus editing.  I learned that there is great value in revising over just simply editing and looking for grammatical errors. I am sure that using these aids when writing papers from now on will allow me to be more successful in my writing.  I will definitely be using the aid of my peers in revising my papers because I have learned that there is great value in getting the help and viewpoints of others in helping me revise and refine my drafts.
            Before this semester I didn’t know anything really about rhetoric.  The thing that I learned most about rhetoric is that it can be used to formulate your writing by addressing specifics, thus making it more effective.  By using audience specific language, depth of explanation and having a specific issue those who are reading will know exactly what you are talking about and will likely be more inclined to see you as a valid author and source on the topic you are writing about.  I also learned that using scholarly articles can be helpful in finding credible sources for research.
            One of the things that were difficult for me throughout the semester was the proposals.  I think they were difficult because I have never done them before and they take some getting used to.  I have always just made a brainstorm draft on paper by hand before I start writing a draft and used that as my “proposal” so it was definitely a transition I had to make for the class.  Something that I felt came pretty naturally for me was synthesizing.  I just enjoyed looking into the subject of the different articles and seeing their similarities and differences.

             I feel like some skill that I learned that will help me in the future when I write will be using the help of my peers who see things maybe a little differently than I do and having them revise my papers.  I feel like by doing this I will be able to have a better view of both sides of the arguments and I will also be able to have fewer gaps between points in my paper along with a more convincing argument.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

ip annotated bibliography and reflection

     This was very difficult because I have never done one before and didn't know what to do.  I hope that I did it right.  

Brady Terry
Professor Debra Reece
English 2010
November 10, 2014
Annotated Bibliography
            I will be writing an issues paper on the things being done to preserve the world’s biodiversity, or the lack of things being done and possible helps for better preserving this important part of our world.  I will be writing to the general public, but I will also be directing comments towards those in positions of power who are capable of furthering the preservation of biodiversity on a larger scale.
            As part of my preparation for my writing I have selected several different sources that I would like to incorporate into the context of my paper.  
Weeks, Jennifer. "Native Species Suffer When Invasives Thrive." CQ Researcher 17 Feb. 2012. Print. 
The first article I have selected was written by Jennifer Weeks and addresses the issue of invasive species.  Invasive species are any species that is non-native to a geographical location.  It talks about how they can be destructive and even wipe out entire populations of native species.  I would like to use this article for background information as well as for a different viewpoint on the topic of things that can be done to preserve biodiversity.
Weeks, Jennifer. "USDA Seeks New Farmers." CQ Researcher 10 Aug. 2012. Print.   
I chose to use this article as well because, even though it is from the same author, it shows a different way that we can all be more active in preserving biodiversity.   I would like to use it as part of my argument as evidence with benefits attached.
"Encouraging Anglers to Keep Fish." Salt Lake Tribune 2 Oct. 2014. Print.  
This was published by the “Utah Division Of Natural Resources.”   It talks about the fisheries, or bodies of water in Utah where you can go fishing and some of the problems that are arising from the lack of fishing.  This article will give me some great evidence as well as some background information as to things that have happened but have simply become, “Things of the past”.  I will then use it to show things that can be re-implemented into our modern society.
Sautner, Stephen, and John Delaney. "Strange, Fanged Deer Persists in Afghanistan."Wildlife Conservation Society. 13 Oct. 2014. Web. 8 Nov. 2014. <>.  
It talks about a rare breed of deer in Afghanistan that has made a comeback due to conservation efforts.  I will be using it for some of my counter arguments.
            At this point I only have one more article. "Mystery of the Vanishing Pollinators." CQ Researcher 13 Jan. 2007. Print.

 In his article he talks about a dramatic decline in the United States’ honeybee population.  He talks about the use for and necessity for the bees and I feel that it will give me some evidence to help strengthen my paper.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

IP Proposal

Brady Terry

Professor Debra Reece

English 2010

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Issues Paper Proposal

            The problem or issue I have been researching is the loss of biodiversity and its negative effects on our world’s ecosystems.  Biodiversity is essentially the sum total of different organisms in a given area. 
            I chose to study biodiversity because I feel that it is important to have a diverse ecosystem in order for it to be healthy.  As I read these articles I feel like they are trying to push for help in certain areas but aren’t very specific in what they want.  I also feel like they are avoiding many of the things that are actively being done to preserve biodiversity around the world.
            In the articles that I have been studying, the authors strongly believe that due to our poor care or lack of use of the world’s natural resources, we have lost a large portion of the biodiversity we once had.  I began by rhetorically analyzing an article by Reed Karaim.  I believe it was well written and had very sound information.  His views and statements matched those of others I had previously read as well as those from authors I read from at the same time.
            After analyzing the article by Kariam, I compared and synthesized his main arguments with those of Tom Arrandale.  Many of their arguments matched up, even though both were addressing issues in different fields of study.  One point that really stood out to me that was said in almost the same way by both authors was an issue of the lack of time the people as a whole have to preserve and replenish our vanishing biodiversity. 
            However, as I think of and have studied this issue over time I was uncertain as to how long these men think we have before something absolutely terrible happens.  Another question that was raised is how much is truly being done to preserve and restore biodiversity around the world today?  Although both authors address the need for funding and help from people all around the world, they don’t clearly state what can be and what is being done to better preserve and restore the declining biodiversity. These are some of the issues I would like to delve into as I further my research.


Monday, October 13, 2014

synthesis rough draft

Brady Terry
Debra Reece
English 2010
Oct. 13 2014
Tom Arrandale and Reed Karaim both address the issue of the loss of biodiversity, or loss of diversity in nature.  Karaim addresses agricultures while Arrandale addresses the broader more worldwide issue of coastal wetlands, rainforests, and our lack of using nature to help us prevent this deterioration of earth’s ecosystems.  Both authors address the issue of time and specifically the lack thereof.
            I would like to discuss some of the main points addressed in these two articles.  These points are; the effects and possible effects that come from a loss of biodiversity, things being done to preserve biodiversity, and what needs to be done to further the preservation of biodiversity.  I would then like to address the issue of time which is talked about in both articles.  I feel like these are things that both authors discussed well, and that they both have similar arguments concerning the issues.
            There are many adverse effects that come from a loss of biodiversity.  This is the first thing that I would like to address.  In the article written by Reed Karaim he talks about how we have taken away so many different varieties of our food bearing plants as we have genetically altered them to our desire.  We have done this for several reasons. Some of which are heavier, quicker crop yields. He claims that even the seed bank in different parts of the world that store hundreds of thousands of different varieties of seeds won’t be able to help us in a worldwide catastrophe, because we have lost so much diversity and the gestation time for these plants is too long to rely upon for our safety. (Karaim) Tom Arrandale talks in his article about the effects of hurricanes and tsunamis and how they have worsened over time. He says that research has found that this is because of the destruction of coastal wetlands for housing and shrimp farming.  The destruction and removal of these critical ecosystems has taken away the buffer zone from these storms.  (Arrandale)  Both authors feel like our impact on the environment has been negative.
            Although both authors address these negitave issues that arise from the loss of biodiversity and the destruction of ecosystems, they also address some of the things being done to preserve the biodiversity that remains.  Karaim talks about farmers and how some are starting to plant more diversified crops in order to prevent total destruction of the world’s crop supply due to disease or pestilence.  He also talks about the seed banks as being a good start to biological preservation.  (Karaim)  Arrandale talks about some of the different organizations and how they are both funding and protecting earth’s natural habitats by creating hydro-electric energy from hydro-electric plants and preserving sections of forest and mountain areas around the world.  (Arrandale)
            Both authors however, feel that more needs to be done to ensure a thriving environment for the future.  Karaim states, “Farmers have been the custodians of biodiversity, and they need support.” (Karaim)  He also explains that without our support, through funding and active help, what the farmers are doing won’t be enough. (Karaim)  Arrandale addresses another similar issue.  He begins his article by talking about the need for more government funding, but shifts his focus to us not using the resources nature has given us.  He believes that costs of preservation can be cut back by using things nature has given us such as honey bees.  He gives an example from Costa Rica’s coffee plantations that once covered the country side.  He states, “Scientists calculated that native bees provided 60,000 dollars a year in pollination services to a Costa Rican coffee plantation.” ( Arrandale)  He then goes on to tell how those plantations now grow products that don’t require pollination.  Therefore, that resource that nature has given us of the honey bees is now going unused or essentially wasted. (Arrandale) Both authors are very passionate about the need for change, especially the need for added help in making a change in our actions.
            The last connection made between the articles which I would like to address is summed up by Tom Arrandale when he states, “I worry that we’re not going to have enough time.”  Both Karaim and Arrandale end their articles with similar statements.  They fear that at the rate the ecosystems are declining, we won’t be able to work fast enough without the help from people other than conservationists. However, I feel that Tom Arrandale better addresses this particular issue.  Even though both authors feel strongly about the need for change Reed Karaim doesn’t make as much of an effort to urge readers to do more and do it quickly.  This leads me to ask.  How much time is left?  What happens when this time runs out?  Have we destroyed biodiversity to the point of irreversability?

Works Cited
Arrandale, Tom. "Calculating the Value of Ecosystem 'Services'" CQ Researcher. 30 Nov. 2007. Web. 2 Oct. 2014. <>.

Karaim, Reed. “Inside the ‘Doomsday Vault’ Hope for Survival.” (2012).  Print.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

reflection on writing proposal #2

    In writing my proposal I honestly just looked over the things that we were told to look at in class and use in our writing.  I feel like having a basic outline helps me more than anything to know what the teacher would like to see in a paper.  I feel like my proposal is pretty good.  I felt like I used all of the necessary strategies we were told to use and that it shows well the direction I would like to take my synthesis of the two papers.  I don't think I have any questions about the unit on researching because it is something that is pretty straight forward and the little that was talked about in class was enough for me to understand what was expected.  I honestly don't know how much writing a proposal will help me with the actual synthesis paper because I haven't done it yet, but I feel like it is a lot of extra work that could probably be done in a brainstorming session. After doing several assignments of Rhetoric I feel like I understand pretty well its purpose.

writing proposal #2

Brady Terry
Professor Debra Reece
Writing Proposal
6 October 2014
Writing Proposal
                The article that I read and chose to do my synthesis on is titled, “Calculating the Value of Ecosystem ‘Service’”.  It was written by Tom Arrandale and published in the CQ Researcher on Nov. 30 2007.  This article is addressed to Ecologists and Economists as well as to Biologists and Conservationists.  It talks about some of the adverse effects that come from a loss of biodiversity in several fields, and addresses steps that are being taken to preserve what biodiversity we have left.
                The article begins by talking about the destruction caused by hurricanes and tsunamis around the world and the similar destruction of coastal wetlands before the hurricane’s coming.   It states that the wetlands and coastal mangroves that once protected the affected areas have been destroyed to create living space and shrimp farms.  The article then goes on to talk about how when we destroy these and other areas, we prevent the world from being able to naturally prevent disasters.  It continues by talking about the importance of the different ecosystems and their roles in our well-being.
                The article concludes by talking about some of the different things that are now being done to preserve the diversity of ecosystems and large areas of land around the world.  It covers examples from hydroelectric plants to preserving areas of the rain forest.  It also talks about how we can better use the things that nature has given us such as honey bees for the preservation of ourselves and the world around us.  However, it concludes with a caution saying, “I worry that we’re not going to have enough time.” Thus addressing the concern that we have destroyed earth’s natural resources to a point where we will never be able to repair them to their natural state.
                In my synthesis I would like to compare the ways that the articles address the use of funds and resources to preserve biodiversity.  They both talk about different fields of study in the preservation of biodiversity, but they are interconnected.  I will compare the way that the farmers and biologists are preserving biodiversity from the first article that I read to the way that ecologists and the government funding they receive go to preserving biodiversity in coastal and forested areas.  I will also look at the way natural preservation was looked at in the second article and see if something similar is happening in what was addressed in the first article.

                There isn’t much that contrasts between the articles and I would like to look further into the last sentence of the second article because it is something else that is discussed by both authors: the fear that we have run out of time to really be able to preserve biodiversity as we know it. I think that this will give me something good to work with in synthesis of the two articles.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Reading Reflection #3

     The section of reading I just did was in Ch. 6 of the text book and was titled, "Identifying Sources."  The Ideas I had about researching my paper and writing accordingly have changed quite a bit as I read.  The chapter talked about lots of different sources available for finding research material.  One that I had never previously thought of was to talk to a professor in the field of study that I am writing about.  I think this could be a very effective use of my time.
     I think that knowing what I do now about researching will help my paper to have more of a backbone and be more on track and convincing.  The sources I learned about will help me strengthen my thesis and may even change the subject or argument of my writing.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Final Draft with Reflection

For this assignment I learned a lot about many of the things discussed in class such as ethos, pathos, and logos, and rhetoric. I also learned concessions and counterarguments. It was helpful to understand how writers explain an argument to an audience.  Here is my final draft.

Brady Terry
Professor Debra Reece
Eng. 2010
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Rhetorical Analysis
            I have chosen to do a Rhetorical Analysis on an article titled, “Inside the ‘Doomsday Vault’ Hope for Survival.”  The article was written by Reed Karaim and was published in the Global Researcher on November, 6, 2012.  The article talks about the loss of Biodiversity in the world’s crops and its effects on us. Karaim tells us about a collection of seeds that are stored in vaults in various locations around the world in case of a worldwide catastrophe.  He also addresses the decline in the biodiversity of the world’s crops due to genetic alterations for faster yield a time and more a abundant harvest.
            I believe that the author did a great job at presenting the information. I feel this way because he was very good at convincing me that the world is in need of change.  More specifically we need to change the way we look at farming, and need to preserve more of the different plant species.  This was because of the information he presented and the way in which it was presented.
 He directed the article mainly to Farmers and Biologists by stating, “Mooney and Worde are among the experts who say it’s important that the seed banks, while necessary as an emergency safeguard, not be seen as a sufficient substitute for maintaining genetic diversity on working farms around the world.  Farmers have been the custodians of biodiversity, and they need support.”(Karaim para. 12)
From this statement we can also infer that he is concerned with the loss of biodiversity and its possible side effects on life as we know it.  Loss of biodiversity causes; the instability of certain types of crops due to genetic alteration, this creates not only a national problem but also a worldwide problem. Another major problem is that the germination to harvest period for most of our staple food crops is too long for us to be able to rely on seeds alone to save us from the loss of biodiversity that we are facing.  These are some of the main points that were used. These Methods used in the different sections of his article, along with research from several individuals and groups were used to support his argument.
            The following is a more detailed analysis of some of these Methods.  One of the things that Reed states in his article is, “Genetic uniformity of major crops leaves them more vulnerable to diseases and environmental shifts like climate change.”(Karaim para. 7)  I found this information to be very sound.  Along with several other locations I found similar statements in “Campbell Essential Biology 5th Edition.”  In this book it states, “When species are lost, so are their unique genes. The genetic diversity within a population is the raw material that makes microevolution and adaptation possible.”(Simon 426)  Thus, the author’s statement helps him convince the readers of his article that the information they are reading is important and reliable.
            Another strategy used was Pathos when he states that this is a worldwide issue. He obviously feels very strongly about this as makes this claim several times. One of these times is when he states that there are now approximately 1,400 seed banks around the world containing more than 740,000 seed samples. (Kariam)  These stores are kept in an effort to preserve what biodiversity we still have.  This point is also something I believe that he is using as a concession.  He is very adamant about his argument about biodiversity, but when he talks about the seed stores he does so in a manner as if to say, these are really good things that we are doing to preserve our crop biodiversity.  This information comes from the first part of his article.  I feel this is very important because the rest of the article is all about his research and the problem at hand.  By starting his article in this manner, I feel that he reaches out first to those who might have opposing views and tells them that he understands what they believe and that he has at least somewhat of an understanding of their side of the argument.  This in turn makes his argument more reliable, and helps him to ensure his readers that it is more than just his opinion that is being presented.
            He makes a counterargument by quoting a statement by Worede that says, “They have preserved quite a bit of diversity, but their ability to crank up and produce enough seed is very low.  They can’t really do that quickly. The quality of the storage is also very variable.”(Worede)  This statement is backed up by the fact that it takes time for a plant to reach maturity. For example, one crop that people around the world use is wheat.  Wheat is planted in early spring and isn’t harvested until late August.  It can then be planted again for harvest in the winter months.  The time period necessary for gestation is too long for seeds alone to be a reliable source for saving the world from a natural disaster.
            I feel that many of the statements in the article use Pathos because they play on the emotions of people.  The author uses lots of phrases such as, “We lose everything if we lose biodiversity in the field.”(Karaim para. 12)  These statements make those who are reading start to question the way things are being done.  They also help them want to do more for the preservation of the biodiversity in the world’s crops.
            In conclusion, I would like to re-instate a few things that I observed from my analysis of this article.  I believe that the author was very convincing of his information and presented it very well. He used many of the Rhetorical strategies that we learned in class to convey and support his argument, some of which were; Ethos, Pathos, Logos, Concession, and Counter arguments.  His information was backed by his research so it wasn’t difficult to believe what he was saying.  I enjoyed analyzing this article and I am looking forward to reading more on the subject and others similar to it.  This activity has changed the way that I will look at papers from now on.

Works Cited

Karaim, Reed. "Inside the 'Doomsday Vault' Hope for Survival." (2012). Print.

Simon, Eric, Jean Dickey, and Jane Reece. "Genetic Diversity." Campbell Essential Biology. 5th ed. Lakeview: Pearson Education, 2013. 452. Print.

Worede, Melakuu, interview with GRAIN, April 22, 2009,


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Reading Reflection #2

     This entry comes from the reading we were assigned in our text book.  We were assigned Ch. 10 which is on Revising versus Editing.   I learned several things and one of the most important things was the difference between these two actions.  Editing is simply looking for grammatical errors such as punctuation, whereas Revising looks more into the content of the paper and examines the arguments and effectiveness of the paper.
     Some things that will help me with the revision of my own papers as well as those of the students in my class are as follows.  Thinking of pertinent questions while I read such as, is this passage effective? If not, then how can it be better?  I can also look for things that are done well and give positive feedback on those points.  The one thing that I think will help me the most however, will be to look for the Thesis and see if the argument that follows supports it clearly and firmly.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Reading Reflection #1

     The reading from this section was on; Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.  I learned what the three different words mean.  Ethos is appeals from the character or author.  Pathos is appeals to emotion , and Logos is appeals to reason.  They are terms derived from ancient Greek writers. (From Inquiry to Academic Writing pg. 199 paragraph 4.)
     There was a comparison in the book (page 200 figure 8.1) that compared the Rhetorical Triangle to Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.  It showed that the Ethos and Author are the same, that the audience and Pathos are the same and it also showed that Logos are the words or the issues and argument which take place.
     I feel that Ethos, Pathos, and Logos can help me in my writing a Rhetorical analysis in the same ways the Rhetorical triangle and all of the things we have discussed in class have helped me.  They all seem to teach the same basic principle. For example, The book states (page 200 paragraph 2) that these three things when used in a proper balance can strengthen your argument based on your thesis, the circumstances, and your audience.  This is the same thing we learned when we talked about Rhetoric. I feel that it is important to appeal to the three as I write because they cover all of the major needs of the analysis and I will be able to write a more sound and persuasive paper. The ways that they cover this can be found in the book on pages 205, 208, and 214 under the corresponding sub-titles.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Brady Terry
Debra Reece
English 2010 Writing Proposal
6 September 2014
            I have chosen to write on the article titled, “Inside the ‘Doomsday Vault,’ Hope for Survival,” written by Reed Karaim and published in ‘Global Researcher’.  I will be analyzing this article by using Rhetorical Analysis.  I chose to write on this article for several reasons.  I am still not completely decided on what field of study I would like to major in.  One field that greatly interests me is the field of biology and specifically that of wildlife biology and range management.
            The article addressed the issue of the World’s loss of biodiversity due to the genetic alteration of our crops for more efficient crop yield. It also discussed the fact that we have over 1,400 seed banks containing more than 740,000 seed samples from around the world.  It states that the purpose of these seed banks is to ensure that we can recover in case of a worldwide catastrophe.  One of the main issues addressed in the article is that of the loss of biodiversity.  Biodiversity is the sum total of different species that are contained in a geographical location.  The author, along with other conservationists believe that due to this loss in the worlds biodiversity, even our seed stores wouldn’t be enough to save us in the event of one of these worldwide catastrophe’s. This would take place because of the fact that we couldn’t produce crops fast enough to cope with the loss of existing crops.  Should it be pestilence that wipes out the crops, these seeds we have would be affected by these same diseases.
            I would like to use both inductive and deductive reasoning as part of my Rhetorical analysis. I feel that they will help me to know whether or not the writer has sufficient evidence to support his theory on the ineffectiveness of the seed banks as a hope for survival.  I will also ask questions such as, “How possible is it for us to have a worldwide disaster? What is the germination time for the seeds we have in these stores? Or, Can these plants be raised effectively in a controlled environment?” Another thing that I will be doing is looking at the different points of view to see how well they are addressed in the article. 

            I believe that this topic can be very controversial; therefore I believe many problems and/or conflicts might arise in my writing and analyzing the things discussed therein.  I believe that some of these conflicts may come internally from the writing itself.  For example, if the writer does not have sufficient evidence to support his thesis then the article may be an invalid source in and of itself. However, should the evidence be sufficient to support what is discussed on the loss of biodiversity then I believe that issue may arise from outside sources. Some of these issues could come from the farmers or consumers who are in direct correlation with the production of and the consumption of the worlds crops.

Rhetorical Analysis Reflection

     I learned a lot from the article as I performed a Rhetorical Analysis.  Reading the article in this way helped me to better understand what it was that the author was really trying to say.  It helped me to try and put myself more in his shoes rather than just look at things from my personal point of view.  One thing that I found to be an effective way of better understanding the article was to draw out the triangle with the Rhetor at the top and work my way through the other two points.
     Some of the things that I feel were strengths in the writing of my proposal were that it was on a subject that interested me, and that I wasn't just reading to memorize text.  The thing that may come as a weakness to my proposal was the amount of information present in the authors writing.  It may have been too short to be able to get very much in depth into the subject.
     This assignment was somewhat difficult due to the fact that there were several locations that my proposal had to be published. Other than that I feel like I really gained a better understanding for what Rhetorical Analysis is and how to use it effectively.

Monday, September 1, 2014

About Me

About Me

     My name is Brady Terry.  I grew up in a small town in southern Utah County.  I enjoy the outdoors and spending time with family and friends, especially my wife Nicole.  My favorite things to do in the outdoors are hunting, fishing, camping and riding horses or ATV's.  I married Nicole on march 21st 2014. She is the love of my life and I couldn't be happier than when I'm with her.
     My most recent writing experiences have been for classes I took during last fall's semester.  I haven't taken an English class since before my mission, but I enjoyed the class that I took prior to my leaving and learned a lot.  I had a great teacher who wouldn't give up on me and was a great influence in my life.
     I hope to be able to increase my abilities as a writer this semester through concepts that I will learn in this class.  I would also like to learn more on Rhetoric so that I can better express myself through words in future classes.