Tuesday, November 4, 2014

IP Proposal

Brady Terry

Professor Debra Reece

English 2010

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Issues Paper Proposal

            The problem or issue I have been researching is the loss of biodiversity and its negative effects on our world’s ecosystems.  Biodiversity is essentially the sum total of different organisms in a given area. 
            I chose to study biodiversity because I feel that it is important to have a diverse ecosystem in order for it to be healthy.  As I read these articles I feel like they are trying to push for help in certain areas but aren’t very specific in what they want.  I also feel like they are avoiding many of the things that are actively being done to preserve biodiversity around the world.
            In the articles that I have been studying, the authors strongly believe that due to our poor care or lack of use of the world’s natural resources, we have lost a large portion of the biodiversity we once had.  I began by rhetorically analyzing an article by Reed Karaim.  I believe it was well written and had very sound information.  His views and statements matched those of others I had previously read as well as those from authors I read from at the same time.
            After analyzing the article by Kariam, I compared and synthesized his main arguments with those of Tom Arrandale.  Many of their arguments matched up, even though both were addressing issues in different fields of study.  One point that really stood out to me that was said in almost the same way by both authors was an issue of the lack of time the people as a whole have to preserve and replenish our vanishing biodiversity. 
            However, as I think of and have studied this issue over time I was uncertain as to how long these men think we have before something absolutely terrible happens.  Another question that was raised is how much is truly being done to preserve and restore biodiversity around the world today?  Although both authors address the need for funding and help from people all around the world, they don’t clearly state what can be and what is being done to better preserve and restore the declining biodiversity. These are some of the issues I would like to delve into as I further my research.


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